Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day 6: Imagine
The day started off bright and early, as always. We had a really great breakfast of egg and cheese breakfast burritos, which really hit the spot! Nate, our team leader, was sick as a dog, so we were on our own for the morning. We still held devos at 7:30am this morning, and we even made it to our work site 15 minutes early! :D
Today at work was a little different. We were reunited with each other and got to work together all day! To several team members, this day was extremely touching. We started early off talking to a man who had been standing by watching us, and we want you to hear his story....
- Imagine you are a prisoner, on an upper floor of a prison... You hear a hurricane is coming... Everyone leaves you, all the guards abandon you... You are told you are unimportant.... As the hurricane crashes over the city of New Orleans, you are locked in your cell... Water fills the prison... You hear the crys and calls out to God from the people below to save them from the water... Voices ringing, "God save me! Please Lord, don't let me die like this!".... As water rises, you hear the screams as others begin to drown... After 6 days of no food or water, and water continuing to rise, all you can do is wait... All you can do is hope your life doesn't end here... Finally, a group comes to save you, to cut the locks... Fast forward 5 years, you are standing on a corner of the hood you grew up in, watching a group of volunteers clean lots you used to know. You have straightened your life, but you are left with memories you can never forget. You can never erase the feelings that you have no worth because you were almost left behind, you can never get rid of the sound of those voices in your ears, you can never forget what this city once looked like... But somehow, you manage to stay positive... somehow, you mange to make better for yourself... somehow, you mange to meet us.
None of you can ever know how this has touched our lives. Prisoner or not, this man had value, he had worth to the Lord. To be left for dead...imagine.
After meeting this man, a heavy sense fell over those who heard the story and to those we told the story. Our hearts were weighed....
As we work, people watch us...we know this. But we see a woman on her porch. She is older and has a sweet softness about her. Almost our entire crew went to go meet her. She was so thankful for all we were doing for her neighborhood, and for the people of New Orleans. As we sat, she told us her story. Although she did not stay for the hurricane, she lost it a lot-her house, her neighbors, her friends, many things she held dear. As crew members began to get back to work, a few of us decided to stay and talk with her. She never exactly told us how lonely she was, but she never stopped reminding us how empty her street felt. We took it upon ourselves to bless her as much as possible. Emily, Andrea, Amanda, and Melissa decided to treat her to her choice of lunch. After many minutes of deliberation, Flores (the woman) decided she'd like some wings from Rally's (not spicy!) and a strawberry milkshake. We got all her requests and more, and shared in a wonderful meal inside her home with her. To us girls, it was a complete blessing to share sometime with Flores. She was funny, complimentary, and so gracious. As we sat and ate, there wasn't a thing Flores didn't share with us. Our favorites being love stories of her husband whom had passed away only a few years ago. We could tell Flores was blessed to have some ears to listen to her words and stories. At the end of the day, promises of photos and letters were made. With hugs and happy faces, we got back to work.
We have been cleaning lots here in New Orleans, as most of you know from reading previous posts. Each day posses new challenges and new ways we need to overcome. Today, we were dealing with old tricky vines covering a lot. Weed whackers going, hack saws cutting, racks moving, we tackled our assigned lots. God definitely provided strength in this time. And at the end of the day, we even had a little fun and cool down with some help of icy water flying from our bottles onto each other.
After a full day of work, we had another day of challenge circle. Today was nice because the kids really have begun to remember each one of us individually. It is such a blessing to have a small child run up to you, call you by name, hang all over you in the most loving ways, and tell you how much they missed you. This also makes for a sad goodbye when you know this is the last time you will gaze upon their faces as you drive away.... Once again, our hearts were weighed, breaking for these kids...
After challenge circle, we had a block party with each other and with the community we had been serving. Some grilled hot dogs and chips was a change from the hearty meals we get back at the church. We shared our hearts, and our food with the community.
Its hard to believe this trip is coming to an end.... In some ways, it feels like we have been here for a long time. We have begun to build relationships. We have begun to know the community. It feels like we belong here. In other ways, the trip has been like a flash. It feels like just yesterday we were meeting up at Kelsey circle in Greenville to take off. Tomorrow is our last day of work in the city of New Orleans...again, I'm sure our hearts will be weighed...
This week we have learned so much about giving. Giving of our time, strength, funds, emotions, and our hearts. There is no doubt that each member of this team is coming home a different person. God called us all here for a reason...all for different reasons. He has been working individually in each one of us, and the change has been real, the change has been noticeable, and don't be surprised when the change is permanent.
Keep us in your prayers tomorrow as we have our last day in the city. Keep us in your prayers on Saturday as we travel back home. Keep us in your prayers each following day as we enter back into a community. Keep us in your prayers as we try to make a change. Keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 5: Post by Emily, Amanda and Kayla
Amanda :)
Well it looks like I'm going to start off the blog tonight! Today was a very eventful day! We started off our morning with a great breakfast of french toast and sausage links complete with fruit! After the meal we had our first devotions as a group, where we read a scripture passage and discussed how it related to our service in New Orleans. Then we left for the city for the day around 8:15 am.
Well the weather decided to be difficult because it rained during the night so it was mostly cloudy during the morning and the lots we were assigned to clean were muddy, but that didn't stop us! GC plowed forward anyway and helped in every way they could, which I got to use the heavy machinery...(ok it was just a weed eater!)
Since our group was split up, I was in a different group from our other two bloggers of the night. In our group that consisted of our team members of Amanda, Faisal, Shay, and Melissa, we were again assigned to cleaning lots to help beautify the community. We were always told by the pastor that they wanted a community where children could ride their bikes. My group is also partnered with another team that has come to New Orleans from Texas, so we are meeting people from other states as well! We seem to all get along, which is great because it takes a lot of teamwork to clean up these lots!
After a hard days work, we got the opportunity to participate in the challenge circle again. We got to spend an hour with the kids by teaching them proper ways of teamwork and sportsmanship, but also the many ways in which Jesus is such an important part in our lives. But once again I felt that GC has been an amazing role model thus far and the kids just love us! Many members once again stepped up for a leadership role and continued to shine. We met a lot of the same kids from yesterday, which was great because they remembered us and what we taught them the day before!
After heading back to the church for another hearty dinner of Turkey, mashed potatoes, carrots, salad and brownies for dessert, we got our first free night of the entire trip so far. GC decided to spend that by having a "girls-night", which entitled a trip to wal-mart, by team members Amanda, Melissa, Emily, Kayla and Shay! But either way it allowed us to grow closer together and I feel that this team is extremely close and we don't ever spend a trip without laughing together.
For tomorrow it's back to the city of New Orleans for more lot cleaning and then we have the opportunity to host a block party for the community. That brings excitement for the team because it allowes us to reach out to the people and hear their stories and experiences.
**Things that I have learned today**
- Don't ask me for directions...EVER!! I will get you lost :)
- Crazy bandanna's are a fun way to stand out...especially when it leaves an awesome tan line on your forehead from the sun!
- When in the car, Emily can sleep through absolutly ANYTHING!!!!
- This week is just flying by!!
Can't wait to see everybody back home!! Keep praying for us down here :)
Emily & Kayla :]]]]]
As Amanda said above, our team of thirteen was split up at the beginning of the week. Our group, consisting of all of us but Faisal, Shay, Amanda and Melissa, were assingned this crazy lot to clean up. We were pretty intimidated at first. It was full of weeds almost shoulder high, with rocks and bricks galore, it was slightly wet from the evening rain before. There were also fire ants every where. We prayed before we began and trudged right through with the strength of God alone living for the people of New Orleans and showing the love of Jesus Christ.
As the day progressed we were able to clear the lot, making small strides. As the ground became more visible our excitement grew. Even though five of our tools broke throughout the day, it didnt slow us down. We were able to slowly but surely see results, giving God all the glory for such an amazing day filled with love and fellowship.
After working in the lot, we met at one of the public housing complexes to do the challenge circle with the kids who live there. The challenge circle consist of four teams distinguised by colors; Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Each team color has a different meaning, Red means Jesus dies for me, Green means God loves me, Blue means all people are sinful and Yellow means I need Jesus to be my best friend! It is amazing to see how the kids remember these things when asked later on. We also participate in little cheers with the kids, which help them learn a little about God and Jesus. The cheers help get the kids hyped up as we play the games with our teams which involve the circle, cheers and the hype! The kids get so fired up to play and be loved on which is what they deserve, even if it is only for an hour! The team who is loudest and wins the most games, wins the challenge circle for the day! At the beginning and end of the challenge circle we have a time slot of around twenty minutes to just play and love on the kiddos. God is so great and we were all really touched by this ministry.
The highlights of the day:
1) When given a rubber snake, the best thing to do with it is hide it under a rock and scare the living daylights out of Joe!
2) Never ask Amanda for directions..especially in a different state. Not a good idea!
3) Befriend the local dogs..they need some lovin' as well! :D
4) It is true...Emily can and WILL sleep ANYWHERE!!!!! We are still waiting for her to live up to her nickname!! Stumpdipity!! Your falling behind on your half arm duties!! (If you're wondering what we're talking about, it's a very interesting story that you should ask Emily about sometime!!)
Time is flying by and we only have a few more days to enjoy the wonderful city of New Orleans! Keep praying for us and thanks for taking the time to read our most excellent blog!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 4: "GC is baller"-Joe
Today has been ANOTHER GREAT one!
It started a little later than the days past, having breakfast at 7am (more sleep was nice!). We got served a hearty breakfast of eggs with potatoes, muffins, cereal, fresh fruit, and plenty of cereal!
Once again, GC was cleaning lots. Tasks such as weeding, picking up trash, mowing, racking, moving stones, and sweeping side walks are just a sample of the things the team gets to do during the work day. Today was a little cooler than yesterday, making work a little easier. We got so much done today!
After our work day, the real excitement for the group began. We got to participate in what Urban Impact calls "challenge circle". Challenge circle is an outreach where the volunteers go out and play with the kids of the community. They help teach kids structure with games with rules, they provide the kids with love and attention they don't get at home, and most importantly they share the message of Jesus. The outreach is special for many reasons. Urban Impact makes sure to reach the kids in a way that they will understand. By using games, and chants, colors, and urban language, the kids relate more to the message. GC was more than blessed when playing with the kids. And honestly, GC has been a standout, especially during this ministry experience. Many group members stepped up for leadership jobs, and the kids seemed to gravitate towards many members of our team. Joe in particular was a kids favorite. The kids loved to hug on him, hang on him, and laugh with him.
After playing with the kids, GC heading back to the church they are staying at. The ride home had to be one of the most fun. You all cant possibly understand how close our team has gotten. There isn't a moment when we are together that we aren't laughing. It's truly a blessing to have such a great team that is so close to each other.
After a great dinner, the groups had more ministry training. We watched a video about ways we can minister to others. The movie touched on actions being directly related to the impact you make on people's lives.
For tomorrow, the team with head back into New Orleans to clean more lots, work with more kids, and minister to the community. Tomorrow night will also be our first free night. Although we aren't sure what our plans are yet, its sure we will have a GREAT time.
Keep us in your prayers. Keep praying for open hearts, open minds, and willing spirits.
And although we are having such a wonderful time here, we miss and love you all! And can't wait to share everything happening here in this city and in our hearts with you!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 3: Power of Prayer
The day started off bright and early as the team left at 6:45am to be in New Orleans. When we got to the church, we had another session of orientation and learned a little more about what would be happening for the week.
After orientation, the teams got to work! The GC crew was separated, with 4 members (Melissa, Amanda, Faisal, and Shay) being chosen to join another crew and the other 9 GC team members staying together. Both groups did the same things during the day. Clearing lots was our mission. There was even a news crew out with the church to document our work ( look at news, scroll down to videos, second video-"urban impact").
After a hard day of work, the team went out for "prayer walk". In short, "prayer walk" is when 5-8 people walk around a community and talk and pray with people that live there and just reach out to them, show them love. GC again, was split into different groups. Each group had an inspirational experience! One group in particular had a special story to share... Because of her experience in missions, Melissa was asked to lead a prayer walk group consisting of Wes, Andrea, Shay, and John (a high school boy from another team). The first man they talked to told them his story of hurricane Katrina. This man had decided to stay and try and wait out the hurricane. His waiting turned into a bad choice when he got stranded in his attic full of water for 6 days, his only meal being a can of dog food. After those 6 days, he was rescued. The story left us all in awe. Also, this mans attitude was one of the most positive the group had ever experienced, giving them hope and inspiration. The real climax to that groups prayer walk came later in the day though, when Wes literally gave a man the shirt off his back! When the group returned, they were in a sense of shock of God's great glory.
2. Emily and Shay have odd sleeping habits
3. there ACTUALLY IS a lot of traffic at 6am
4. we can finish 2.2lbs of cashews in 3 days
5. this week is gunna be GREAT! :)
keep praying for us!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 2
As day 2 comes to a close, we have so much to share with you all!
After a late late LATE night of fun and laughter for the girls, and lots of sleep for the men, the day started off a little after 9am to get ready for Sunday morning church. We attended the First United Methodist Church of Slidell, and we loved it! The group was surprised to find worship songs by Kutless played and warm greetings from our southern hosts!
After church was over, the weather was just too nice to pass up a day playing outside. The group decided heading to a local beach would be the best way to spend the afternoon. Packing a pick nick and a frisbee then loading up our cameras, the group was off! We spent our afternoon playing in the water, taking silly pictures, and just having some time to relax and enjoy the nice 80 degree weather! As our beach trip came to a close, we got the opportunity talk and to pray with 3 men we met while sight seeing at the beach's Pier.
After our beach adventure, the group headed to pick team member Shay up from the airport, then head to the first night of group orientation. Greenville was a standout, having team members read scripture and lead in group prayer. All groups, totalling about 70 people, participated in what was called "prayer concert." We were challenged to meet new people during this time, and pray with each other. As all the teams' hearts cried out to the Lord, His presence was felt!
A late dinner (about 9:30pm) followed orientation, then a not so quick Walmart run. At Walmart we picked up food for the team's lunches for the week and some work gloves and other "working needs."
For tomorrow, the group will have another short orientation session then get to work! We are excited to see what we will be doing for the week, and who we will be working with!
Keep praying!
*I want to apologize for the lack of photos! The wifi we are getting is very slow, making it nearly impossible to upload pictures.... WE WILL FIGURE A WAY TO UPLOAD THEM SOON!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Day 1
"Adaptability" is the word for our team today!
The morning started out later than we had hoped and with a slight change of plans. The team had a quick switch of team leaders at the last minute, challenging them to put into practice what they had been learning about in team meetings for the past few weeks. As a group, we were told to be ready for whatever was to come our way on this trip, and we were! The trip was a long one, but we made it fun with great mix cds made by team member Brad Stewart, a fun photo shoot down an old back Mississippi road, and quality snack sharing. The team arrived safely at Faith Bible Church around 7pm, where they were greeted and met one of the other teams they will be working with over break.
Tomorrow, the group will be attending First United Methodist Church in Slidell, LA at 9:45am. The group will then be given some free time then followed by orientation for the week in New Orleans.
Please keep the team in your prayers as we embark on this journey!
*What to watch for*
- photos from the trip
- "meet the team" section
- stories about what we are doing in the city
- much more!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Freely we've received, now freely we will give.
We must go, live to feed the hungry.
Stand beside the broken, we must go.
Stepping forward, keep us from just singing.
Move us into action, we must go.
Fill us up, send us out."
Tim Hughes-God of Justice
Faisal Matin:
Melissa Studniarz:
"As most of you already know, this wont be my first trip to New Orleans. The first time I heard the announcement in chapel for the trip, my eyes welled with tears. Maybe that sounds corny, but they did. No one can understand what missions work is like until you experience it
for yourself. You often leave a piece of your heart in the places you go and with the people
you help. That was definitely the case for me when I traveled to New Orleans on my other trips. And even though I had already been involved in several hurricane relief trips, I had no
idea how much work still needed to be done down there. I felt like my work wasn't finished, God had more for me to do. As far as what God is doing in my life right now to prepare me, it's a matter of the heart. My heart has been crying out in worship, and I know it's preparing me for what's to come in this next week. I feel God moving here on the GC campus, and with this group especially. I wont claim to know what exactly He's doing, but I feel the power that's radiating around us. It's truly incredible."
Wes Bergen:
"Signing up for this trip was initially my way of keeping away from the hometown of Hannibal, Missouri during break. However, what began as an evasion quickly turned into an exciting and inspiring commitment. It is wonderful to see letters of support coming in from family and friends; promises of prayer and money. It is also surprising to see other students' reactions when they learn I'm a member of the New Orleans trip group- everyone is complementary. I will never pretend to know how my involvement in this trip will forward God's greater purpose. All I can truthfully report is my excitement, and a very real concern for the population of New Orleans who are still struggling. During this trip, I am aware that we will probably see some images and meet some people that will stay with us for the rest of our lives. I'm not sure how we will react, or even what we may encounter, but there will probably be some surprises (hopefully more good ones than bad). It's my hope, as well as my team's, that we can leave New Orleans a better place, having made a positive impact on people. We are called to be servants, and this is really a small service in the grand scheme of things. But more than our actions, I hope people will see our real motivator: love."
Just as the body of Christ is made up of many parts to make one whole, our team is made up of many different individuals coming together for a greater and higher purpose. Keep us in your prayers!
God's blessings
We had our bbq on Saturday. God truly blessed us! The morning started early for the first group of workers, 7:20am to be exact (that's extra early for a college student on a Saturday)! But the weather was fabulous for a cookout, and we saw so much community support. Students of GC, professors, family, and people of Bond County came to share in some great food and great conversation. All day, people wanted to hear our stories and share in God's goodness. We even got some good photos to share with all of you!

our bbq stand!

bake sale by donation! mmm sweets!

look at all those pork products!

Team members Kayla and Joe grilling

Emily and Wes demonstrating our quality service

Serve that meat Amanda!

GC student, Josh Bales, enjoying some great food. Team member, Melissa, approves!
So what's to come for us in the next few days before we leave?? Well, we have our last team meeting tonight. We will, hopefully, get a better idea of what is in store for our trip and our departure times. As a group, we are having a get together on Friday night at team member Faisal Matin's house. It will be our last chance to bond as a team and get to know each other a little better before our 11 hour car ride! We also have our car ride cds to make, snacks to buy, and, of course, packing to do!
As far as we can see, God is blessing us again! Weather predicts temperatures in the mid to high 60s, with little chance of rain. Perfect?! We think so!
Things to look forward to in the coming posts:
- departure times and schedules
- what God is doing to prepare us
- a "meet the team section"!
- a daily post while we are on our trip
- pictures of what we are doing
- quotes, stories, and testimonies from group members and the people of New Orleans
Thursday, March 4, 2010
God of This City
You're the King of these people,
You're the Lord of this nation,
You are.
For greater things have yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done,
In this city."
-Chris Tomlin




As the trip approaches us (9 days away!) our hearts grow ready.
We have one more big fundraising event this Saturday, a bbq. Our group has come together, and we are all scheduled shifts to work. We will be at our local IGA from 8am until about 4pm selling food, and pouring our hearts out about our trip, I'm sure. Pray for some great weather and community support!
We got our packing list and a short preview of our week in New Orleans this past Tuesday at a group meeting. We are ready to get sweaty and dirty for the Lord! Although we are not exactly sure about what we will be doing in New Orleans, our hearts are open for the work we have set before us.
As a group, we are extremely excited, but for some group members this trip hits even closer to the heart. Two of the team members, Emily Hagedorn and Melissa Studniarz, this wont be their first time visiting the city of New Orleans. For both girls, hurricane relief in New Orleans was their first missions trip. Emily Hagedorn first visited New Orleans in 2007 as a junior in high school. She spent her spring break in New Orleans doing a lot of yard work and gutting houses. She met people there that changed her life forever. She says "That trip was the first time I can honestly say that I experienced what it feels like to not be living for myself." As for Melissa, she says she had a similar experience. Melissa has went on several trips to New Orleans for hurricane relief, the first time being the summer after her freshman year in high school. Melissa got the experience of staying in the 9th ward (the worst area in New Orleans after the hurricane hit) and she gutted houses as well. Melissa says "I got to see things happen that were bigger than myself. I got to see how good God really is. As the trip nears closer, my heart is breaking for these people. It yearns to be with them, helping again." We will all get that chance in 9 days...
Keep our team in your prayers as our departure nears. Pray for open and willing hearts, for finances, and for God's plan for our trip to unfold. God is good!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
And the countdown begins!
For the past few weeks we have been fundraising like crazy! We had our "egg smash" last Wednesday, which was a huge hit! For those of you that don't know, our idea of an "egg smash" was to have some of the Greenville staff and profs come out to the DC and have students crack eggs on their heads for $2 a piece. We ended up raising $137, which surpassed our goal, and gave us all a sense of excitement. We have a bbq coming up this Saturday at our local IGA from 8am until 4pm. We are hoping to bring in some more funds for the trip, as well as bond with each other before we set out.

(egg smash!)
Overall, the group is looking strong, and we are connecting as a team. Anthony Robinson says "After our last meeting, our group seemed to be coming together thanks to a team building activity that we participated in during the meeting. Also, the egg smash went very well thanks in part to a strong group effort. Our group can only get closer from here, and hopefully we will be functioning as one unit when the trip comes."
Keep us in your prayers as we prepare as a team to go to New Orleans, and please keep our finances in mind as well.
Check back regularly for updates!